The America No.10 Typewriter
The America No.10 is the rarest of all Chicago name variants. Its origins are unknown, with the French keyboard being our best clue.
The Keystone Typewriter
The Keystone was first produced in 1898. Designed by William P. Quentell, this small, swinging typeshuttle typewriter did not last long on the market. The machines slowly disintegrated due to the poor quality metal used, and few survive today.
The Fox Typewriter
The Fox Typewriter Company, of Grand Rapids Michigan, first produced typewriters in 1898. They found great success in the market, and produced typewriters for more than 20 years before a lawsuit brought them down.
The Peerless Typewriter
The Peerless Typewriter, invented by Leroy Smith, youngest brother of the Smith family, who produced the Smith Premier typewriters. The Peerless did not last long on the market, and was only produced in 1895.
The Commercial Visible 6 Typewriter
One of the most beautiful typewriters ever produced, Richard Uhlig, knocked it out of the park when he designed the Commercial Visible.
The Remington Standard Typewriter No.4
The Remington Standard No.4, is also known as, “The poor man’s Sholes & Glidden”. It is easy to see why, given it features an all caps typeface, and oversized platen, just like the S&G.
The Chicago No.1 Typewriter
Unsurprisingly produced in Chicago, IL,. This machine was Invented by Samuel John Seifried, and originally sold as The Munson. This is one of the coolest early typewriters out there
The Sun Standard Typewriter
Invented by Lee Spear Burridge, and Newman R. Marshman, The Sun Standard No.2 is a rather unique typewriter. The first to use a sheet metal body, and one of the only frontstrike typewriters to feature an ink wheel, instead of a ribbon.
The Postal Typewriter
Established in 1902, The Postal Typewriter Company produced a handful of Typewheel machines. One of the most beautiful typewriters of its time, it really is a piece of jewelry.
The American Index Typewriter
The funky, mushroom shaped index machine, produced by The American Typewriter Co. from 1893 to 1910
The American Typewriter
From 1900 to 1915, many different versions of The American Typewriter were produced. Here you’ll find the most extensive collection in private hands!
The Jewett Typewriter
The Jewett Model 1, produced in 1894 by the Duplex Typewriter Co. of Des Moines, Iowa. A conventional double keyboard understrike machine, the Jewett was considered a top machine in the day!
The American Typewriter Co. 265 Broadway New York
Est. 1893, The American Typewriter Co. was founded by Halbert E. Payne. Headquartered at 265 Broadway, New York City. Seven different models were produced, and the understrike portables were their most popular.
The Ringed Densmore No.2 Typewriter
Characterized by the unique loops in the center of the type linkages. The early “Ringed” Densmore typewriters are rather desirable to collectors