The Commercial Visible 6 Typewriter
Commercial Typewriter Co. New York, NY
One of several typewriters designed by Richard W. Uhlig, this is definitely his most beautiful machine. The first typewriter from the Commercial Typewriter Co., was the No.5. which entered the market in 1898. Roughly 300 machines were produced. In 1901 the No.6 came on the scene. Known serial numbers suggest 4,000 were made, before the company went bankrupt in 1905.
The typewriter uses an interchangeable Typewheel, similar to that of the Blickensderfer, or Postal. The wheel rotates around a center shaft, and a printing hammer swings in from the rear of the machine, to smash the paper into the ribbon and Typewheel. This mechanism is quite similar to that of the Chicago, and Hammond.
Are you selling a Commercial Visible typewriter? Contact me here!
Phone: (813) 992-9799