The Sun Standard No.2

The Sun is one of the most iconic typewriter designs from the start of the 20th century.

Sun Standard Typewriter No.2

First manufactured in 1901, the Sun Standard No.2 was designed by a man named Lee Spear Burridge

Sun Typewriter for sale in Tampa, Florida. professionally restored service repair

The Sun was the first typewriter to use sheet metal for the production. Because of this, Sun was able to bring the price down to $40 (roughly $1,200 with inflation) at a time when most typewriters were $80-$100

One thing that really sets the Sun apart from most other machines of the day is that it doesn’t use an inked ribbon. Instead as the typebars swing up to hit the paper, they pass by a small inked roller. The small roller is connected to a larger reservoir which continuously inks the roller.

Sun produced index typewriters prior to the introduction of the No.2. They also went on to produce a No.3 and No.6

Do you have a Sun for sale? Contact me!

(813) 992-9799


The Earliest Known Densmore 2